For Facilitators

view the facilitator video2

Interested in leading a small group or parish study for Divine Mercy for Moms?   Then this is the spot for you!  Please see pages 127-128 of the book for information on starting the study and read below for more helpful tips!

As we shared in the introduction to the book, Emily and I have been in the same mom’s faith sharing group for more than 10 years.  We both have participated and led countless women’s faith sharing and bible study groups in our parishes and throughout our diocese.  We’ve taken the knowledge we’ve gleaned from doing these previous studies and used it to create the tools for Divine Mercy for Moms: Sharing the Lessons of St. Faustina in a group study format.

We have tried to make it as easy as possible for you, and while there isn’t a “right or wrong” way to lead this as a study, we can certainly suggest some ways that we have tried out!  Here are a few suggestions:

Option one: Six or Seven Session Series – Special Ops Intensive Training

Download an Editable Divine Mercy for Moms Special Ops Training Flyer here

Before the release of Divine Mercy for Moms, Emily and I lead a pilot group of 20 moms from multiple parishes across our diocese and we followed this format.   We broke up our meetings into 7 sessions across 3 months and met for an hour and a half each time.  The sessions were broken down in the following way:

Session 1: Foreward & Introduction – Watch the Introduction Video

Session 2: Chapter One: St. Faustina, Apostle of Divine Mercy – Watch the Chapter 1 Video

Session 3: Chapter Two: Developing Trust in Jesus through the Divine Mercy Devotion –Watch the Chapter 2 Video

Session 4: Chapter 3: Showing Mercy to Our Neighbor – Watch the Chapter 3 video

Session 5: Chapter 4: The Corporal Works of Mercy –  Watch the Chapter 4 video

Session 6: Chapter 5: The Spiritual Works of Mercy – Watch the Chapter 5 Video

Session 7: Chapter 6: Mary, Mother of Mercy – Watch the Chapter 6 Video

If you prefer a shorter length of time, the foreword, introduction and chapter one can be combined into the first session.   You could also double up and do two chapters per meeting, however we found that in our hour and a half meeting, one chapter was all we could fit in!  If you would like to see a sample session, here is the session we recorded for Chapter 4 and includes introductions from our group and ideas of how these women live out the works of mercy!

Before each meeting, we asked the moms to read the material (one short chapter) at home and to ponder and complete one or more of the suggested activities on the “Respond to God’s Call in Deed, Word, and Prayer” section at the end of each chapter.  (Note: There are not activities after the introduction.)  When we gathered each week, we would begin with introductions.  Then we gave a short talk that we recorded for you to share with your group.  These YouTube videos are absolutely free to use for your group.   You can just stream them into your home or parish.   Each link is provided above and also on the “recommended resources” page.    After the video session we asked if anyone had any reflections they wanted to share on the “Respond to God’s Call in Deed, Word and Prayer” and then went into the study questions starting on page 128.   We closed each week with prayer requests and the “Prayer for Divine Transformation.”

It was really a beautiful time for all of us to share our experiences with the book.  Even though Emily and I wrote the study, we felt like we learned even more by participating in the study and were touched and blessed by the women in our group.   Although I knew everyone in the group, most of the other participants did not know each other, yet a wonderful sense of community was quickly formed and connections were made.

Option two: Book Club – St. Faustina Party

Download an editable St Faustina Party invitation here

Another option is a one time event such as choosing Divine Mercy for Moms as a book club selection.  You can invite your book club or mom friends to read Divine Mercy for Moms: Sharing the Lessons of St. Faustina and have a one time discussion.   Emily and I hosted a “St. Faustina Party” in which we invited moms to come for wine and chocolate.  Then we shared a talk about St. Faustina we prepared for the Online Catholic Conference for Moms (you can purchase and download from after February 19th.)   You could stream the talk and have discussion afterwards with pre-selected questions from the study guide.  It’s also possible to connect with Emily and I via Skype.   Please contact us if you are interested!

What are women saying?

I have been faithfully watching your YouTube videos and reading your awesome book and feel enormous amounts of grace from the Holy Spirit during this Advent season. Actually it’s the best advent season study I have yet to do. I am so grateful that you listened to Christ’s call to make this book happen.” – Brenda, mom of 4, Powell, Ohio

“I love the book!  This is something I need.” – Michele, mom of 2, Columbus, Ohio

“What a great study!  I left each session feeling refreshed and inspired.   I have really enjoyed the book and all the great ideas.” – Denise, mom of 3

I benefited so much from this study!  First of all it was a reminder of what a beautiful, fulfilling and inspirational life we can live by making the corporal and spiritual works of mercy part of our daily life.  Divine Mercy for Moms is a great tool that I will use to see every day as an opportunity to bask in and spread Gods love and mercy.  The other part of the study I loved was how it was an avenue to meet, learn from and share with some very amazing women! – Chrissy, mom of 2, Dublin, Ohio

Other suggestions for your groups:

Be sure to ask them to:

“Like us” on Facebook.  Our blog posts and other helpful tips are regularly posted there and you can connect with women from across the US (and world!) who are reading Divine Mercy for Moms.

Sign up for our “Special Ops” Mom emails to pray with us, receive our emails, blog posts, and get free stuff!

Send us any works of mercy ideas you do as a mom or have done together with your group.  We’d love to share them!  Include feedback, pictures or how Christ has touched your life with this study.