Pray Fully: Simple Steps for Becoming a Woman of Prayer
Pray Fully: Simple Steps to Becoming a Woman of Prayer
Do you listen to others pray out loud, spontaneously and naturally, and wish you could do that, too? Are you embarrassed to admit that your family prayers consist of a garbled “Bless Us, Oh Lord” at dinner and a quick “Our Father” while tucking the kids into bed? Do you find your mind wandering when you do try to pray?
If so, you are not alone!
In this book of prayer basics, Michele Faehnle and Emily Jaminet share the joys and struggles of their own prayer journeys. They also include advice from the saints and offer encouraging examples of women just like you who, as they stepped out in faith, found that God not only answered their prayers, but drew them into a lifechanging friendship as well.
What’s the secret to taking your prayer life to the next level? The authors say that it’s all about spending time with God, rather than demanding things from him. “As I learned to stop making demands of God, and simply rest in the silence,” writes Michele, “I began to hear God calling me and beckoning me to draw closer to him.” Over time, the noisy, self-centered monologue that had once been her habit grew into a fuller, more mature dialogue of love.
In this book, the authors share basic prayer principles that have helped them to become women of prayer, including:
- Make time for personal, daily communication with Jesus.
- Spend time meditating and engaging in other spiritual practices such as prayerfulness, adoration, examen, and spiritual communion.
- Recognize the critical times of each day when you need a “prayer boost.”
- Thank God for all his gifts to you, even the mundane and ordinary.
- Live deeply in the sacraments, and enrich your life with sacramentals
- Record your intentions and thank God for answered prayer.
Each chapter contains encouraging stories and practical advice – including tips from the lives and writings of the saints – as well as questions for personal reflection and private meditation. Chapter seven contains space to record your prayer intentions, expressions of gratitude and worship, and original prayers that you can return to again and again – perfect to bring to adoration or for morning prayer in a quiet corner at home. After reading this book, you will be ready to take up your own lifelong dialogue with the God who is just waiting to talk with you.
Praise for Pray Fully….
Michele Faehnle and Emily Jaminet, in Pray Fully, serve as intimate and wise companions...
Michele Faehnle and Emily Jaminet, in Pray Fully, serve as intimate and wise companions for women seeking to begin, create a daily routine, or deepen their prayer life in both contemporary and traditional Catholic ways. In an easy-to-read style the authors introduce the basics of Lectio Divina (sacred reading and reflection on scripture), the Examen (self-reflection on God in your life), and Visio Divina (reflecting upon a sacred picture) as three ways to enter more deeply in to prayer. As they share compelling personal stories, they introduce saints who have been instrumental in their own prayer life such as St. Teresa of Calcutta, St. Gianna Beretta Molla, Sts. Loius a Zelie Martin, St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein), and St. Margaret Mary Alacoque. They include many ways to foster daily prayer, cultivate a closer relationship to God, and listen for God’s subtle calls and gifts of grace.
The authors alternate writing chapters, offering an inviting change of voice and experience. At the end of the book is a set of study guide questions to inspire reflection, facilitate discussion if used in a group setting, or assist in journal writing. There are plenty of references to other authors and spiritual guides for further exploration. This book is a good addition for parish libraries and personal growth collections.
-Nadine Ellero, SFO
Pray Fully: Simple Steps to Becoming a Woman of Prayer
Do you listen to others pray out loud, spontaneously and naturally, and wish you could do that, too? Are you embarrassed to admit that your family prayers consist of a garbled “Bless Us, Oh Lord” at dinner and a quick “Our Father” while tucking the kids into bed? Do you find your mind wandering when you do try to pray?
If so, you are not alone!
In this book of prayer basics, Michele Faehnle and Emily Jaminet share the joys and struggles of their own prayer journeys. They also include advice from the saints and offer encouraging examples of women just like you who, as they stepped out in faith, found that God not only answered their prayers, but drew them into a lifechanging friendship as well.
What’s the secret to taking your prayer life to the next level? The authors say that it’s all about spending time with God, rather than demanding things from him. “As I learned to stop making demands of God, and simply rest in the silence,” writes Michele, “I began to hear God calling me and beckoning me to draw closer to him.” Over time, the noisy, self-centered monologue that had once been her habit grew into a fuller, more mature dialogue of love.
In this book, the authors share basic prayer principles that have helped them to become women of prayer, including:
- Make time for personal, daily communication with Jesus.
- Spend time meditating and engaging in other spiritual practices such as prayerfulness, adoration, examen, and spiritual communion.
- Recognize the critical times of each day when you need a “prayer boost.”
- Thank God for all his gifts to you, even the mundane and ordinary.
- Live deeply in the sacraments, and enrich your life with sacramentals
- Record your intentions and thank God for answered prayer.
Each chapter contains encouraging stories and practical advice – including tips from the lives and writings of the saints – as well as questions for personal reflection and private meditation. Chapter seven contains space to record your prayer intentions, expressions of gratitude and worship, and original prayers that you can return to again and again – perfect to bring to adoration or for morning prayer in a quiet corner at home. After reading this book, you will be ready to take up your own lifelong dialogue with the God who is just waiting to talk with you.
Praise for Pray Fully….
Michele Faehnle and Emily Jaminet, in Pray Fully, serve as intimate and wise companions...
Michele Faehnle and Emily Jaminet, in Pray Fully, serve as intimate and wise companions for women seeking to begin, create a daily routine, or deepen their prayer life in both contemporary and traditional Catholic ways. In an easy-to-read style the authors introduce the basics of Lectio Divina (sacred reading and reflection on scripture), the Examen (self-reflection on God in your life), and Visio Divina (reflecting upon a sacred picture) as three ways to enter more deeply in to prayer. As they share compelling personal stories, they introduce saints who have been instrumental in their own prayer life such as St. Teresa of Calcutta, St. Gianna Beretta Molla, Sts. Loius a Zelie Martin, St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein), and St. Margaret Mary Alacoque. They include many ways to foster daily prayer, cultivate a closer relationship to God, and listen for God’s subtle calls and gifts of grace.
The authors alternate writing chapters, offering an inviting change of voice and experience. At the end of the book is a set of study guide questions to inspire reflection, facilitate discussion if used in a group setting, or assist in journal writing. There are plenty of references to other authors and spiritual guides for further exploration. This book is a good addition for parish libraries and personal growth collections.
-Nadine Ellero, SFO