It’s Friendship Friday! Today we are continuing the blog tour with our friend Amanda Torres at In Earthen Vessels. We were blessed to meet Amanda when she started an online book club for Divine Mercy for Moms. We had so much fun reading and working together on this project, we kept the book club going, reading several books each year and now have over 900 members. It’s been our joy to get to know Amanda over the years and hear about her conversion from atheism to Catholicism. If you haven’t heard about her blog before, be sure check out In Earthen Vessels
Today she shares a little bit about her journey with faith filled friendships and an excerpt from The Friendship Project:
“As a convert to the Catholic Faith, one of the things I’ve always felt a bit behind on is friendship. You probably wouldn’t be off the mark to call me envious of the women I know who grew up in circles of Catholic family and friends. I know women who have gone through life in that community; college, dating, marriage, early parenting. They share all of those moments with other women who share the same world view.
Don’t get me wrong, I have my own group of dear friends that I grew up with and experienced those same stages of life with. But, no matter how lovely they are, it’s sometimes difficult to share my whole self with them, my whole new self, because there is a framework that is missing. And people, especially women, need those friendships. Read More at In Earthen Vessels…..
Be sure to join us next week as we continue our travels across the World Wide Web!