Last week was one crazy week as we celebrated my 40th birthday and the launch of The Friendship Project. We are so excited to share you can now buy it on, Barnes and Noble and Ave Maria Press. We wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has...
One of the coolest things about writing books and blogging is that we have met some of the most amazing women from across the globe. Today the blog tour for The Friendship Project takes us “across the pond” to London, England where our fabulous...
We are delighted to share today’s stop on The Friendship Project blog tour is with our friend Barb Szyszkiewicz at We met Barb a few years ago when we started writing at, where she serves as the editor. We hope you enjoy her...
As we continue to travel the globe with The Friendship Project Blog tour, our next stop is in Brazil! We met our friend Flavia Nunes Costa Ghelardi through our blogging at and have been blessed by her friendship over the past few years. Today she...
We’d like to invite you to join us in celebrating friendship with our blog tour kick off and another special deal on our new book The Friendship Project! Many of you have shared with us that you desire to have close friendships in faith. Who better to go to but...
As we travel the country speaking about Divine Mercy for Moms, we usually kick off the talk with our favorite quote from St. John Paul II, “In the Design of Providence there are no mere coincidences.” As Emily and I ponder our friendship, we have come to realize...