Counsel the Doubtful

Parenting young girls in this world is challenging.  Our secular world tells us that we need this or that to be HAPPY.   We become slaves to diets, brands of technology and even styles of clothing.  The other day we were shopping, and one of my girls was upset about how she looked after trying on several outfits.  I quickly embraced her and calmly said, “Don’t let a piece a cloth control you – making or breaking your mood of the day.”  I continued to explain to her that these outfits were not meant for her.  This was not in God’s plan today.  I asked her to consider to look at other sizes and styles that would complement her body shape at this moment in her life.  She took my advice and quickly found a wonderful outfit.  – Anita, mom of 4, Columbus, Ohio

Teaching by example the virtue of compassion so that all are looked at as the Face of Christ is tough to always put into practice.  I’ve had conversations with my daughter when conflict with friends have brought her to tears.  Helping her to understand that some people’s actions stem from their own insecurities and fears – that they actually need our kindness and prayers to help them.  Not all people are those our children should foster close friendships with, but all should be shown what kindness and compassion look like…then, decisions can more readily made as to where the relationship goes from there. – Nancy, mom of 4, Upper Arlington, Ohio

Pro-life work is near and dear to our hearts and we financially support the Sisters of Life in New York. There are many wonderful pro-life organizations, and I put the Sisters under these two spiritual works of mercy because they do help the doubtful: the woman facing an unexpected pregnancy who isn’t sure where to turn or what to do. They also comfort the sorrowful by offering retreats and healing to women who have experienced an abortion.  You can also support your local pregnancy center by volunteering, donating, or simply setting up a bassinet at Church to collect new or gently used baby items. Think October (Respect Life month), January (Roe v. Wade anniversary), May (Mother’s Day) or June (Father’s Day). – Peggy, mom of one, Columbus, Ohio

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