Spiritual Works of Mercy

CircleofMercyWhat are the Spiritual Works of Mercy?

Admonish the sinner;
Bear wrongs patiently;
Comfort the sorrowful;
Counsel the doubtful;
Forgive all injuries;
Instruct the ignorant;
Pray for the living and the dead.

We would love to hear how you live out the Circle Of Mercy.

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Spiritual Works of Mercy Checklist for Busy Moms

Divine Mercy for Moms: Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy Checklists for Busy Moms: These checklists provide great ways to help you show mercy from your home, even as a busy mom with young children. You can show mercy within the home to your family and outside of the home with ideas like baking cookies for the prison ministry or making a meal for a new mom.   This isn’t another list to stress you out; it’s an option for you to grow in your faith and act merciful as Christ calls us to.

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