Give Drink to the Thirsty

A picture says a thousand words…. my daughter met this little baby when we were at the National Shrine of Divine Mercy and even though she was only 2, loved sharing a drink with her!

A picture says a thousand words…. my daughter met this little baby when we were at the National Shrine of Divine Mercy and even though she was only 2, loved sharing a drink with her!

I teach a Baptism class at our parish every other month to parents whose children will be baptized which helps quench the parents’ thirst for knowledge.  They learn the history of our Church’s teachings on Baptism and why it is such an important Sacrament.  We discuss ways to keep the Catholic faith in their families by praying as a family and acting as Christ did by setting good examples to their children, especially through helping others. -Veronica, Mom of Two and Teacher, Upper Arlington, Ohio

As an attorney I work to help people understand the importance of the churches teaching on  end of life issues, especially receiving food and hydration.   I give talks at parishes and write about how people can live out this teaching using legal documents to protect them and their loved ones. – Peggy, mom of one, Columbus, Ohio

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