Clothe the Naked

How many times I think to myself, “laundry? Again!?!”  In tending to the mundane house chores,  in the ordinary, we can find the extraordinary—IF we decide to look for it, be aware of it.  The folding of laundry can be a time of prayer for each family member; as their belongings are cared for, so is their soul!  Just when you really don’t feel like doing another “chore”, turn to Jesus and tell Him, “It’s for you, use my effort as you wish”. – Nancy, mom of 4, Upper Arlington, Ohio

A friend of mine started a tradition called “Pass The Bag”. She goes through her house, fills a bag of items, and puts it in the trunk of her car. She then has other moms go through the bag and choose what they need. Eventually, she drops off the bag at a friend’s house. If you get the bag, you can add to it and continue the process. The last person donates whatever is left to a local Christian clothing bank that helps mothers and children in need. The key to “Pass the Bag” is to not to judge what is inside the bag. Some items might be well past the point of wearing while others are true gifts from the Lord! – Emily Jaminet, co-founder, Divine Mercy for Moms

Our parish had a shoe drive for the poor in Haiti.   I took my kids to the store and let them each pick out a pair of shoes for a child their age.   Then we filled the shoe box with other little gifts like a rosary, a small Catholic children’s book, holy cards, religious medals and a handwritten note promising our prayers.   Our parish collected over 600 pairs of shoes, so many that they named the project after us! – Michele Faehnle, co-founder, Divine Mercy for Moms

Our parish takes a mission trip each year to the Dominican Republic.  While not everyone can physically go on the trip, I help organize a toy and clothing drive for those going down to bring to the children there so more parishioners can participate.   We ask each person going to take 2 pieces of luggage, one for their personal items and one filled with things to donate.   Before they leave, we have a huge drive and sort all the gifts and clothing and I bring my grandchildren to help.   It’s a great way for them to see that they can make a difference!  – Jackie, mom of 8, grandmother of 9, St. John, Indiana

It was placed in our hearts to purchase 14 blankets that were on sale recently. My husband and I are dividing them among our vehicles with the full intention of clothing the naked. At this time of the year we start to see many people on the streets while we travel to visit family. We hope our blankets can warm someone’s body and heart and give them comfort in their time of need. – Kayla, Mom of 2, Fort Wayne, Indiana

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